AFME publishes revised Due Diligence Questionnaire to further standardise process for global custodians | AFME

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AFME publishes revised Due Diligence Questionnaire to further standardise process for global custodians
27 Nov 2018
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Author Rebecca Hansford <p>Head of Communications and Marketing</p>
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The Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) has today published an updated version of its Due Diligence Questionnaire (DDQ) which harmonises and simplifies the process of completing questionnaires for global custodians, sub custodians and banks that hold client money.

The aim of the document, now in its third iteration, is to reduce time and resources used by market participants to complete the annual due diligence process.

The AFME Due Diligence Questionnaire Task Force, comprised of approximately twenty Network Managers, diligently reviewed submissions proposed throughout the year by market participants.

Alan Cameron, Head of Market Strategy-Brokers, at BNP Paribas Securities Services and Chair of the AFME Due Diligence Questionnaire Task Force, commented: “Our thanks are due to the many throughout our industry who have contributed to the 2019 version. We are delighted that the AFME DDQ is being used so extensively. The 2019 version includes extended sections on Client Money and Corporate and Social Responsibility, as requested by many AFME members.”

AFME encourages the broadest use of this DDQ.  It is available to all, free of charge, on AFME’s website:

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Rebecca O'Neill

Head of Communications and Marketing (Interim)