AFME comment on the European Commission's consultation prior to reviewing the CRR | AFME

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AFME comment on the European Commission's consultation prior to reviewing the CRR
16 Jul 2015
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Author Rebecca Hansford <p>Head of Communications and Marketing</p>
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Commenting on the consultation announced by the European Commission which will review the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD IV) and Regulation (CRR) on bank lending to the economy, Simon Lewis, Chief Executive of AFME, said:

“We welcome Commissioner Hill’s announcement on the launch of a public consultation on CRD IV with a focus on the unintended consequences of post-crisis bank regulation. We are particularly encouraged that special consideration will be given to the financing for small and medium-sized businesses and infrastructure projects, which are key drivers for economic growth in Europe.

“The post-crisis regulatory agenda is still evolving, with the Basel Committee currently re-writing the rules on the global prudential framework. We therefore believe that the Commission’s review is very timely. It should help shape the design and calibration of the final framework to avoid creating obstacles to growth.

“AFME will work with its members to provide constructive input to the consultation.”



Rebecca O'Neill

Head of Communications and Marketing (Interim)