AFME comment on EU appointment of ECB as European bank supervisor | AFME

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AFME comment on EU appointment of ECB as European bank supervisor
13 Dec 2012
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Author Rebecca Hansford <p>Head of Communications and Marketing</p>
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Commenting on today’s agreement by European finance ministers on the European Central Bank

(ECB) becoming a common bank supervisor, Simon Lewis, chief executive of the Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) said: 

“ECOFIN’s decision should be welcomed as a major step forward and also an essential element in resolving the Eurozone crisis.

“The Single Supervisory Mechanism forms a key component of banking union and the fact that Member States have now reached agreement is a welcome demonstration of the strong political commitment to this important project. It is essential that this momentum is maintained.

“Banking Union should enhance the Single Market as a whole and AFME supports the significant efforts to achieve fair and balanced decision‐making for the European Banking Authority (EBA). The EBA should also have authority to develop a supervisory handbook for the Single Market as a whole in order to ensure high quality, consistent supervision for all banks in Europe.”





Rebecca O'Neill

Head of Communications and Marketing (Interim)