GFMA appoints David Strongin as Executive Director | AFME

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GFMA appoints David Strongin as Executive Director
09 Sep 2013
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Author Rebecca Hansford <p>Head of Communications and Marketing</p>
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The Global Financial Markets Association (GFMA), which represents the common interests of the world’s leading financial and capital markets participants, has appointed a new Executive Director. David Strongin, Managing Director at the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA), will take on the role with immediate effect.

“David has for many years led SIFMA’s cross-border and international policy initiatives and as a result is well-known to financial institutions, regulators and policy-makers globally,” said Simon Lewis, GFMA Chief Executive. “He is held in very high regard by these communities and brings the experience to navigate the complex regulatory issues facing the world’s capital markets.”

GFMA brings together three of the world’s leading financial trade associations to address the global regulatory agenda and promote coordinated advocacy: the London and Brussels-based Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME), the Asia Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (ASIFMA), based in Hong Kong, and the New York and Washington-based SIFMA.

David Strongin will report to Simon Lewis, GFMA Chief Executive, and will continue to be based in New York.




Rebecca O'Neill

Head of Communications and Marketing (Interim)