AFME statement on 60th Anniversary of Treaties of Rome | AFME

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AFME statement on 60th Anniversary of Treaties of Rome
24 Mar 2017
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Author Rebecca Hansford <p>Head of Communications and Marketing</p>
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Ahead of the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome celebrations this weekend, AFME has issued the following statement:

“As leaders from around the European Union prepare to come together to mark the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome, AFME reaffirms its strong commitment to supporting the EU’s efforts to promote sustainable economic growth and open and integrated financial markets.

“Among the EU’s many achievements, of particular importance has been the progressive removal of many of the barriers fragmenting these markets.

“At a time when the European project and the EU are facing difficult challenges, European financial markets have a key role to play in providing the resources Europe needs for boosting innovation, jobs and growth. The need for the EU to reconnect with citizens has never been stronger and EU policies focusing on jobs and growth have the potential to show EU citizens what the EU can concretely do to improve their daily lives. European projects like the Capital Markets Union, the Banking Union and the Investment Plan for Europe are more important than ever in helping to achieve those objectives. AFME is keen to continue to play its part in ensuring the success of these projects and of the EU more broadly.”

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Rebecca O'Neill

Head of Communications and Marketing (Interim)