AFME comments on publication of Withdrawal Agreement | AFME

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AFME comments on publication of Withdrawal Agreement
14 Nov 2018
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Author Rebecca Hansford <p>Head of Communications and Marketing</p>
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Following the publication of the Withdrawal Agreement this evening, Simon Lewis, Chief Executive of AFME, said:

“Today’s progress in the negotiations is a significant step forward. Finalising the agreement as soon as possible is important to provide certainty on a transition period and ensure an orderly withdrawal process.”

“Progress also appears to have been made on the declaration for the future relationship for financial services. We welcome the commitments to a continuing close and structured regulatory and supervisory cooperation and commencing equivalence assessments as soon as possible.”

“Pending ratification by the European Council and the UK and European parliaments, it is still important for the Commission and Member States to clarify steps to mitigate cliff edge risks in a no deal scenario.”

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Rebecca O'Neill

Head of Communications and Marketing (Interim)